Advanced & Experimental Group

Weeks 10 & 11: Final Models Render with Studio Lighting in Maya (Wireframes, UV Maps, & Textures)

I expended this week setting my final models with a studio lighting scene in Maya to show topology, UVs, and textures.

Studio lighting set up in Maya

I took me a bit to be able to set this scene as it was preset with different colour space, so the scene was giving me error from start. I followed a video that the author of this scene made to explain how to configure the colour space to make it work.

After, I set everything up, I could start setting my models but, unfortunately, some textures were looking way different and with the time limit I have I just could not do anything about it. Therefore, I tried to match the textures such as possible to the originals and proceeded to render. I also rendered the topology and UVs of the models for the showreel breakdown.