Design For Animation

Week 1: Design for Animation, Narrative Structures & Film Language – Unit Introduction

This first session consisted in an introduction to the main assignment that we will be developing throughout term 1: a 1500-words critical report along with its progress documentation in this blog and a research presentation.

We will need to find a topic that motives and inspires us. It needs to teach something to the reader and to be engaging. In order to find a suitable topic we should research and gather related information in order to study and select the parts that interest us.

Once the topic is established we will decide the targeted audience and start organising the main related questions and subquestions that need to be answered. Following on, we will craft our critical report and will mention our references used (following Harvard referencing system).

After clarifying the main assignment of the term, we were asked to form groups and to discuss possible topics that could interest us and could be useful for our critical report. Some of the topics that came up in my group were the following:

  • How VFX development can affect the beauty standards (unrealistic beauty standards)
  • How technology development can lead to changes in the remake of older films.
  • Stylised vs realistic graphics and its effects in VR player immersion
  • AI development and its threat to creatives and copyright
  • Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness: are the VFX used in this movie a useful tool to transmit the confusing and bended reality or is it an impediment that confuses the audience and takes them out from the full experience?