FMP Thesis

Week 4: Literature Review, Thesis Main Body Structure, & Possible Questions and Sub-questions

This week’s lecture focused on explaining the bases of building up a good literature review. I also thought of the possible questions and sub-questions of my thesis and how they would be structured.

Literature review

This will help to orient ourselves and the reader towards what we want to cover in our thesis. A literature review is developed by:

  • Communicating relevant research methodology.
  • Showing theoretical framework we could establish.
  • Detailing where our work fits into the bigger picture.

When structuring a literature review we need to state our research question and explain how we tackled it. Then a body of paragraphs will explain the research in detail. Lastly, a conclusion section will reiterate the research question while summarising the insides. Within our body sources, we will need to identify themes, patterns, and gaps.

Once we have read and understood our sources, we will need to organise a strategy for writing about how we have used them in our research. We can organise them chronologically, by themes, or according to methods used by their author. Once this outline is done, we can start writing our literature review.

Thesis main body structure draft, with possible questions and sub-questions

Based on some of the sources I have already found, I thought of some possible questions and sub-questions, and organised them in a possible structure of my thesis’ main body.

Main question – Will photorealism continue to be the leader in the film industry in the future?

  1. What is photorealism
  1. What are the origins of photorealism in filmmaking and what were its initial uses?
  1. How is photorealism used in filmmaking nowadays?
    • Importance of photorealistic VFX to replace dangerous live action scenes.
    • Importance of VFX to replace impossible to shot environments such as outer space scenes or fictional environments. 
    • Has digital photorealistic VFX better quality than actual handmade scenography? 
    • Has digital photorealistic VFX completely substituted the job of stop motion modellers and animators?
    • Has digital photorealistic VFX completely substituted the job of make-up artists and props artists?
  1. Why is photorealism not accepted by all audiences?
    • Uncanny valley.
    • Non-photorealism in filmmaking to foreground the work of digital effects artists.
    • Photorealism costs and workload.
    • Photorealism used for malicious intentions, issues caused, and solutions in place to help avoid this.
  1. What is the general public’s opinion (audience) about photorealism? (survey)
  1. What could be the future of photorealism in filmmaking?
    • AI as a tool to help with photorealism demands in film industry. Would AI replace human labour as digital VFX has shadowed handmade VFX artists and animators’ jobs?
    • Virtual production – high resolution screens installed in life action shooting. Helping with green screen spill issues? Problems when shooting outdoors or moiré issues? Once shot, can background not be replaced?