FMP Thesis

Week 5: Research Frameworks

In this week’s lecture, we analysed the types of research framework that can be done in our thesis and the research methodology we are going to follow to develop our topic.

Types of research

There are two types of research that we could use for our thesis such as:

  • Quantitative research. This type of research provides numerical data (analysed using mathematical methods or statistics). It is an empirical research that explains trends so it is more objective.
  • Qualitative research. This type of research produces findings without using quantitative methods and it is more subjective. It explores the perception, feelings, or ideas of people.

Critical thinking process and thesis proposal structure

The process to follow to analyse a topic in a critical manner is the following:

  • Investigate a problem thoroughly
  • Prosecute and defend an idea
  • Cross examine witnesses (literature review)
  • Verdict (conclusion)

This process will help us to structure our thesis topic in a logical way until reaching a conclusion where we will explain our findings.

Our thesis proposal structure will be as follow:

  • Introduction
  • Background significance
  • Literature review
  • Research design, methods, and schedule
  • Suppositions and implications
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography


Our research targets will constitute the basis of the methodology used. In order to explain the methodology used, we will need to follow this structure:

  • Describe thesis or research problem
  • Explain chosen approach
  • Clarify any uncommon methodology used
  • Explain how the data used was collected
  • Detail methods used to analyse collected data