This week we organised the groups for this sci-fi project and each group started to research inspirations to build up a moodboard.
In an Excel spreadsheet, we had to add our names in one of the group projects we were interested in: steampunk sci-fi, cyberpunk sci-fi, or low-fi sci-fi. Since there were a high demand in low-fi sci-fi and steampunk sci-fi, the cyberpunk group was removed. I added myself in the steampunk sci-fi group as a Look Dev Artist, since this is a style that has always interested me because of its highly detailed designs, that mix an old school aesthetic with a futuristic look. I am also very interested in expanding my modelling and texturing skills, focusing on environments, so this role would suit me best.

After the session, my group made a meeting to decide what look we will be focusing on and, based on this, we started to research inspiration and gather images to put a moodboard together on Padlet.

The steampunk style is a fictional aesthetic that mixes elements from the Victorian era and from the 1800s Europe’s industrial revolution. Since this project us supposed to be in a futuristic environment (the interior of a spaceship), this style will be also mixed with some sci-fi elements like holograms, or steampunk spaceships.