This week, we tried to finish up a testing version of the VR experience to show in the exhibition next week. We also discussed and confirmed with the tutors the application of an extension of the deadline.
Objects Retexturing
I remodelled and retextured a Pikachu toy downloaded from internet. First, I removed some bits of the mesh to show its destruction. Then I sent the model to Mudbox, linked Pikachu textures that came with the downloaded model, then created a new material, and using the stencil textures of the programme, I painted some dirt and mud splashes effect in the model to make it look more weathered. Then I exported the textures created and linked them to the model in Maya. Then exported the model with textures in FBX and relinked them in Unity. One relinked, I exported model and textures into a Unity package so the VR girls could place the objects directly in the VR scene without having to relink textures.

Me and the rest of the group also found some objects online that could be retextured and destroyed to blend in to the dystopian environment, such as spectacles, converse shoe, fire extinguisher, electric box, barriers, etc.
Individual showreel (Not final)
Since we were not sure if we were going to have approval on the deadline extension, we decided to put together a group showreel, in which each one of us would show their work in the project. Therefore, I exported 360s of my models I had so far, and put them together in After Effects with some titles describing what I did on each asset. I then sent uploaded this in our shared drive so Alex would put all the individual showreels together in one.
Team meeting
In this week’s meeting, we got confirmation that the extension of our deadline was 90% sure that it was going to be approved so we focused first on the priorities we had to get the testing version done for the exhibition, and then we checked what we would need to complete the beta version during the Easter break.
We reviewed the objects we had and the objects we needed for the finished beta version of this experience (not the testing version for the exhibition). We agreed that the objects found online needed to be more decayed as the original models looked too polished and new.
We also reviewed the textures that needed to be added to the environment such as rubble, the doors of the corridor cells (some closed, others half open or destroyed), the dead fish in the fountain, and the rest of the objects found online to make the place look more credible and like there were once humans there long ago.