This week, we focused on the interactive objects we had for the memories, and on the environment texturing and props.
Along this week I worked on some of the needed objects for the memories so 3D Animation could start with the animation of these.
I started with the diary as Veronika already had the bugs model rigged. So I made a standard hard cover book model that can be opened in the middle and one of the pages can be bended and animated too.

Then I also tried to model a fingerprint scan machine for the lobby memory. However, as I was really undecided on how to make this one, I researched some references like the following:

I liked the simple style of this scan and I also liked that is not just fingerprint scan but whole hand scan machine. However, I figured that since the walls were going to be curved, I could also add like a stand underneath to it so it does not need to be attached to the wall. The final model I came up with is the following:

I also found a Pikachu toy online which I plan to remodel a bit in Maya, and then in Mudbox I will add dust and mud texture to show decay and the pass of time. Some other models were bought with the budget we had approved for this project, so in order to keep track of this, we also made a list in Miro.

I also researched a bunch of environment materials to fill up the space to give the dystopian look we are looking for:

Team meeting
In this week’s team meeting, we discussed the possibility to request an extension of our deadline so we had plenty enough time to finish the beta version of this project. The reason why we need an extension is because we got the brief of the project late, and the budget we needed for the models bought on internet also got approved late, so we has been falling behind week after week due to these inconveniences.
Regarding the project feedback, in this meeting we pretty much spoke about the environment and the objects we have and what we still needed to make or improve.
My hand scan model was disregarded as it does not fit the style the professors wanted. They also suggested more objects for the memories and they also provided a list in Miro of what they wanted.

They also requested to make an Excel with all the models we use in the VRR experience including our modelled objects and the ones downloaded from internet. This can be found in the following link –
Mainguet, J. (2018). Biometrics movies 2018 (online). Available at: [Accessed 4 March 2023]