Design For Animation

Week 10: Video Presentation

In this last lesson of term 1, we were introduced to the video presentation task required to present our critical report.

This video presentation must detail the key aspects of our critical report in a 3 to 5 minutes video. This video can be made recording ourselves, or with a Power Point presentation, or even with a brief animation. In order to add a voice over or records ourselves explaining our topic, we should first structure and rehearse our speech. The contents of this video should be as outlined in the following:

  • Intentions of research presentation
  • Outlining and referencing of sources accessed
  • Selection of key areas of investigation that informed findings
  • Conclusion
  • Potential applications of this learning and further knowledge that can be achieved in practice or theory.

After this class I continued to finish and polish my critical report and to plan my video presentation. My final critical report looks like this:

Form my video presentation, I tried to mix footage from the YouTube videos I used for my critical report and I also included my first attempt at claymation sequences. I edited the video in After Effects and also added some CGI.

The video presentation took me over 3 days between planning, storyboarding, modelling, shooting, editing, and visual effects. However, I really enjoyed the making of this video and, despite my stop motion animation skills need a lot of improvement, I am quite happy with the result.

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